Okay so Andrew is going to kill me for posting this, but since he got pepper sprayed at work yesterday (for the sole purpose of knowing what it feels like-silly right?) and could not touch Bryce at all, leaving me to do the dirty work, I figure he owes me. Or something like that.
Mommies read the instructions on everything. We comparison shop so that our child has the best possible diapers, and toys (that he only ends up using once) and stroller. We stress over every detail and possible injury that could result from using a product (at least on the first kid, I am sure by the second I will be much more relaxed :0)
Daddies wing it. Especially this daddy. If it looks like it might amuse the baby for a minute, they try it. They put things on upside down and backwards and whatever way it looks like it might go. Sometimes this fails miserably and just stresses mommies out. But every once in a while daddy's gamble pays off and baby stops crying for a glorious 45 minutes and really seems to enjoy himself doing it to boot.

I give you exhibit A. Daddy and Bryce using the baby Bjorn. When I came back from my glorious 45 min of birthday shopping, I found Andrew using a rather unconventional alignment of the Bjorn. I mumbled something about not putting a newborn in it facing out until they can control their head, and that his arms were very far from the holes where they were supposed to happily sit. But sometimes, mommies who want a 45 min break just have to let daddies do their thing.