Friday, June 29, 2012

Boy at Work

 Fixing his lawnmower.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Visit to the Cool South

 We went to visit Nana and Grandpa this week, and it was a lot cooler at their house than it is here.

Having fun at the park.

Riding the plane with a cheese face. 

"Gayo-ing" (coloring) with grandpa, who turns out to be pretty good at drawing diggers.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Corny Face

 Here are the boys shucking corn on father's day that we plucked from the back 40.

Yum! this was supposed to be for a photo op only, but then he took 3 big bites.

Ahhh, my tongue is turning colors!

(he thought this was the funniest thing when he saw himself reflected in the faucet...that's his manta ray tub toy)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chicken Spa, Ooh-la-la

Today after much long hard work by daddy, the chicken coop is finished. And, if you ask me, those chickens have it pretty nice. I mean, there's no air conditioning, but everything else is pretty cushy. It was 100 today, so they're going to wait til later this week to try it out, but the initial reviews from our test ducks are very positive.

Here's Bryce getting their opinion on the nest box.

They say 2 thumbs up!

Helping daddy with the finishing touches. 

Oh my, we forgot chocolates on their pillows!

Cheese face next to the finished coop. The green shade thing just needs to go on once we find out where the sun goes during the day.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Taking Care of Business

Recently, I mostly feel sick, and therefore not super motivated to keep the blog up. So before my guilt gets the better of me, here's a few things we are up to as of late. Sorry for the bad pictures, being prego seems to have also taken a toll on my shutter reflex.

Worker guys in the garage.

Bryce supervising chickie-doo outside time. You do not want to know how long it took me to round the ladies back up and get them into the pen. There were many scratches involved due to heavy contact with the rose bushes.

Demolition derby man all set to go!

Running away from his picture being taken.

Oops, a crash.