Monday, March 28, 2011


Please tell me you have something that needs whisking; omelet, pancakes, cat, I'll take anything.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Tiller

Here I am fixing the tiller with my daddy. Sorry for the photo quality, mommy tried her camera and then the video camera but we were having battery issues.

Deciding what to do first

Holding the beast still for daddy to fix it.

This is what boys are supposed to do with the directions. I checked them first to make sure they weren't really important.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pudgy Bear

So I've been debating posting this in case my son someday Googles himself (by that time there'll be something more advanced than Google I'm sure) and this is what pops up. But I feel that these rolls should be appreciated, so here it is.

For Nana: Here's me right after mommy snuck in my room to get a picture of me sleeping with my stomp blanket. As you can see, I know something is up...

And one more sleepy just woke up picture that I like.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Things I Did Today

Ate some yummy pears. From the face I'm making you'd never know I like them.

Played with my rake, my toy d'jour which Uncle Ryan gave me along with my bucket and soft sand sifter shovel thingy, a car-toy fave. Yes, my son plays with shovels in the car.

The face I'm making here says I just tried to rake the cat.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reason 157 Why I Love Andrew

He just gets me. This well-loved looking little thing is my lamb from when I was a baby. My great grandma gave it to me and it plays music when you wind it. When we moved in here, we got it back from my parents' where it had been stored for a really long time, and it was destroyed by attic rats. As some of you know, I can sometimes be very sentimental and this made me really sad. I couldn't bear to throw it away so after leaving it in the back bedroom for a pretty long time, I asked Andrew if he would throw it away for me.

This morning we got a package in the mail and when I opened it, there was my lamb. He had it cleaned up and restored by a dollmaker lady. I don't claim to know everything about love, but I'm pretty sure that's it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Boy Stuff

Here I am helping daddy do boy stuff, like checking out the new sprinklers and wearing a muscle T to show off my big guns (ok really I just got dinner all over my first shirt and this was the one daddy picked for me to wear til bedtime)

Why is it just so great to me that I came upon them both sitting there checking the boxes out? I'm sure Bryce was just contemplating eating all that cardboard, but still, my boys are really cute.

Monday, March 7, 2011

9 months old

Getting so big!

(Andrew would probably want me to point out that you would pay lots of money to sit in front of this photo background at the mall, but it is right down the road from us. )

Also, if you were wondering, he can walk just fine without holding our hands, but he's still a little shy with it.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

When Daddy's Cleaning Up

Let's be honest, sometimes mommies and daddies clean things up differently. Tonight on the menu we had avocado, ground beef, sweet potatoes, noodles and cheerios (a Bryceman staple). There may have also been some pear, I don't remember. Even though this picture doesn't do it justice, you would think a food truck exploded on our child, and as I turned to look at Bryce helping me with the laundry (pulling it out of the dryer and onto the floor is helping) I realized that not only were his clothes in dire need of a full body change, but he had avocado completely covering one side of his face, a green eyebrow, yams in his hair and nose to say the least. I asked Andrew, "Did you clean up the baby?". He said "Yeah."

After he was stripped down and wiped clean, we tried on his new jammies. I would gladly be the first one to say my son is no slim jim, but I think they really don't do much for his figure.

Even with the shirt on, that is one chunky monkey. Guess enough of the food is getting into his mouth.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Visit from Great Grandma

My grandma on my dad's side came out to see Bryce (which is why my cousin was also here visiting), and to check out Ryan and my new places. Here are a few more pictures of the fun.

We went and got some yummy ice cream at Dewar's.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Not a Road Chicken

I know some of you are missing my road chicken sightings posts, so for old time's sake, here's a chicken that we like better:

Mom, are you really making me wear the chicken?

(No chickens were harmed in the making of this post. Chicken outfit courtesy of Andrew's friend from the academy)