Friday, January 27, 2012

Fun Times

Back at New Year's we did a whirlwind tour of the southland, trying to get to all you guys down there who we care about. Here are some shots from our lunch with Auntie Quenby (she is not in them, bummer!)

Those killer blues:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bath Time

My son has yet to sit down in the bath tub during bath time (ever) and it makes me feel like he is getting cold so fast, so Andrew decided to stage an intervention and try taking him into the big huge tub to get him to sit down and stay warmer.

Note to concerned parties: Andrew is wearing board shorts.

It didn't work.

Mac n Cheese

I had some kind of flu bug yesterday so Andrew fed Bryce dinner. Apparently it was a hit.

He also got to play in the cupboard under the stove, what a night!

Friday, January 20, 2012


This face says "oh no I have stickers stuck in my hair". But at this point he doesn't know they're in there, he was just making a truck noise.

He thinks that if I can't see him then the de-sticking won't happen.

Moral of the story: Beware the wily supermarket stickers, they are much easier going in than they are coming out.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Whatever's on this cereal box must be VERY interesting.

Oh, it's a truck, that explains it. (He was like this for a while)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Going on Patrol

in daddy's sweatshirt...not as easy as it looks.

Step 1: Serious face+making sure hands are more or less visible.

Step 2: Fuss until mommy lifts up the bottom of my "robe" so I can get in without falling on my bum like the last 3 times I tried.

Step 3: Shove me and the sweatshirt in and slam the door. Success!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Breakfast Time

It's pancake time! Bring out the head protection.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Sometimes his animals are ferried (possibly against their will) all over the place. Here, they get a ride in the police cruiser, but sadly everyone did not fit, so big bear gets to ride on top. Let's hope the driver wasn't wearing this hat over his eyes while the vehicle was actually moving...

Bear goes up...he needed a little help since the thing is as big as him.

All guys into the car.

And here he is telling me a very long string of words that sounded very important about what he was doing. I am getting pretty good at interpreting Bryce-ese but I have no idea what he was saying. That's his serious face.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bryce the Builder

As you can see from the last couple posts, the worker-man Christmas presents are highly favored this year.

Playing hide and seek with my hat.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I'm sure there's something back there that needs fixing.

Yep, this bed for sure needs fixing.

Who is that handsome fixer?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Hat

These days, if we take off a hat, there is major drama. So he wears them a lot. This one he was originally wearing when he and daddy went outside in the cold to plant the asparagus.

Eating some dinner in my hat.

Playing with animals in my hat (this time I put it on myself).
Hiding under the bed cause mommy was going to take my picture in my hat.

Under the bed in my hat.

Ready for bed in my hat. Did I put him to sleep in his hat? Um, yes, I guess I am that mom.