Saturday, October 29, 2011

How I Roll

So this is how the conversation went...

Bryce, how do you drive the car?
-With these keys of course mommy.

--this one right here makes the car sound, see?

Where do you put the keys?
-In the ignition of course mommy, have you never done this before?

How does the car go?
-Vroom, it goes fast!
He likes this shirt, but I figured I'd better get a picture of it while it's still white.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Today we went to the pumpkin patch. Bryce didn't sleep well last night, so it was a bit of a disaster. We try and keep our family photo op expectations low these days due to the wiggles anyway. Plus we couldn't bear to pay that much for the pumpkins so we had to run to the grocery store and get some afterwards. By this point, Bryce seemed to recover (that's him with mommy's pumpkin)

His crow noise is possibly the most realistic animal noise he knows. It is also the noise he uses for house flies (this took me a while to figure out, but is super funny), dragonflies and other assorted flying insects.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lookin' Sharp

Ready for church (he was running away from me and hiding, which is his new thing when I try and take pictures)

Maybe it's just been a while since he's worn jeans, but I just think he's cute.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bread and Gucks

Today Bryce and I made some pumpkin bread. This was his first major cooking experience, and we are proud to report that the majority of the bread stayed in the bowl. He does like to lift his spoon very high to see what he is stirring sometimes, which can get a little scary. By very high, I mean above his head. You'll notice that an expert mom put him in a orange shirt so the messes just blended in with what he's wearing (um, who are we kidding here, he just happened to be wearing orange)

Measuring is a big favorite. I am still not sure how we kept the spoons from being dunked 50 times.

This picture is funny to me, because he doesn't look like my kid. How did we get such a big boy?

In other news, I scored a pretty awesome toy yesterday at the big consignment sale they do in Bako twice a year. Andrew convinced me that we didn't need to save it til Christmas, so one very lucky boy has been playing with this nonstop since he saw it on the table this morning and yelled "Guck!". This brings us to Bryce's current great love of trucks. When I get him out of the bed in the morning, he says "Mommy...Daddy...Guck!!!". When Andrew is at work during the day, Bryce says "Daddy guck!"...a lot. When he somehow hears one on the road with his bionic ears, he makes sure to let me know there's a guck in the vicinity.

So here he is enjoying the fruits of my labor (I did have to stand in line for a pretty long time to get it, if any of you have been there, you know what I'm talking about).

Making the big guck noise.

And one last one just for fun, this is from a couple weeks ago when we decided to go grocery shopping in the rain. As you can see, he did not mind it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Few New

We've been kinda busy lately getting things outside ready for winter (more on that later), so here's a few Bryce shots to tide you over.

Tickle fight.

He is very happy about his new Dodger hat (there's always next year) but he thinks it's a funny game when I try and take pictures of him in it, so he runs away. Or runs straight at the camera.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Bryce really likes to help. Even though the results of his helping are sometimes very messy, we try and encourage the attitude.

Helping daddy put up vertical blinds. I really thought the drill was going to get dropped on his head the entire time, but he survived it.

Helping daddy make eggs:

Helping himself to a giant spoon to eat his cereal.

Other helpful things he has done recently:

Help mommy dig holes by filling them in with his "wah-wall" (shovel)

Helping mommy rake up grass by trading her his mini rake for the regular size one.

Helping daddy get his boots (in the rain)