Thursday, July 29, 2010

Beach Baby

This past week Bryce and I were at the beach with the in-laws (Andrew made it for the weekend only because he's an adult now and has to work-what's with that?). Bryce had a great time, as you can see, and hasn't stopped crying since he got home-true story. Well not really true but he did love the beach and wishes his mommy and daddy could move back. Anyone want to donate a million dollars to this worthy cause?

One item of note, Bryce is sporting a 0-3 month size rash guard which looked too big for him when I packed it. Unfortunately we were never able to get it to completely cover his sumo belly and stay there.

The Ocean!

Uncle Eric, Aunt Quenby and me

Chillin with Grannie

Bryce and Great Grannie

Sad, the going home outfit (I know he doesn't look sad, but if he had known...)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thanks for the Effort Cousin Levi

This picture is a bit old (from the 4th of July weekend) but pretty funny. Bryce's cousin Levi thought Bryce looked hungry, so out of the kindness of his heart he decided to feed him a goldfishy. His aim is a little off, but at least they are sharing.

Our Son the Weird Sleeper

Since Bryce is having a growth spurt or some such nonsense and there is not a lot of sleeping going on this week, I thought I'd reminisce about the good old days. So, here are a few selections of werid sleeping poses by Bryce.

I am convinced Andrew tranquilizes him before he puts him in the Bjorn because he always falls asleep but never when I have it on.

It's a little hard to get the perspective on this one, but yes, it's as weird as it looks. He is sorta upside down.

Monday, July 19, 2010

One more

For good measure :0)

Oh he is so cute.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Biggy Boy

Bryce is 8 weeks old tomorrow. How is it possible that they get so big this fast? He doesn't seem like a little baby.

Also, he's smiling as of Tuesday this week, but it still takes a lot of convincing to get him to do it at this point. (He does it quite a bit for mommy when Andrew is gone).

Thursday, July 15, 2010

the Do

Well the cock a doodle do really. I am stumped by what to do with Bryce's rapidly growing locks. I have used everything short of spackle to try and make the back of it look less like the unholy union of a rooster and sonic the hedgehog. So far, no such luck. I guess the ladies don't mind, since they still seem to think he's pretty cute, so we'll just let it keep on growing.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Dipes

Last night Bryce started on his new set of diapers. Of course he inaugurated the first one with a big messiness (didn't you want to know?). I just had to take a picture of them because they are so cute.

A bonus picture for those of you who don't find little pastel cloth dipes as fantastic as I do:

My baby has such cute feet. We may be in big trouble if he grows into them though.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Mommy, Daddy and Bryce at the fireworks

Cousin Levi, Bryce and Uncle Eric

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Difference Between Mommies and Daddies

Okay so Andrew is going to kill me for posting this, but since he got pepper sprayed at work yesterday (for the sole purpose of knowing what it feels like-silly right?) and could not touch Bryce at all, leaving me to do the dirty work, I figure he owes me. Or something like that.

Mommies read the instructions on everything. We comparison shop so that our child has the best possible diapers, and toys (that he only ends up using once) and stroller. We stress over every detail and possible injury that could result from using a product (at least on the first kid, I am sure by the second I will be much more relaxed :0)

Daddies wing it. Especially this daddy. If it looks like it might amuse the baby for a minute, they try it. They put things on upside down and backwards and whatever way it looks like it might go. Sometimes this fails miserably and just stresses mommies out. But every once in a while daddy's gamble pays off and baby stops crying for a glorious 45 minutes and really seems to enjoy himself doing it to boot.

I give you exhibit A. Daddy and Bryce using the baby Bjorn. When I came back from my glorious 45 min of birthday shopping, I found Andrew using a rather unconventional alignment of the Bjorn. I mumbled something about not putting a newborn in it facing out until they can control their head, and that his arms were very far from the holes where they were supposed to happily sit. But sometimes, mommies who want a 45 min break just have to let daddies do their thing.