Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Beach!

It's that time of year again when we go to the beach with Andrew's family and our son doesn't sleep past 5:45 the entire time. He is enjoying himself, as long as he doesn't get in the water, which is apparently pretty scary.

Sandwich face.

Reading papa's book.

Pulling my cousins on the boogie board.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Baby Sister

Monday we had the gender ultrasound for our little one due Dec. 17th. The baby did not feel cooperative so we had to go back that night, but as it turns out, Jamba juice makes babies hyper, so we had better luck the second time.

Bryce also got to see the ultrasound, and he is pretty interested in his baby sister.

These are a couple of outtakes from our baby sister announcing photos.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

4th of July

We're off to Uncle Ryan's house for a family dinner and some homemade ice cream. Poor Uncle Ryan demolished his ankle playing kickball, so since he was in a cast, we figured we'd bring him some more food, and mommy has always wanted to see the fireworks on the beach. We didn't do it while we lived there since daddy always wanted to go up to Fresno to legally blow things up to celebrate our independence.

Family photo op. 

Bryce had about lost his voice from his cold at this point, but that didn't stop the boys from doing some manly ice cream cranking on the back patio. Uncle Ryan got a pass on account of his cast.

Bryce was pretty impressed with himself since he got to add the rock salt.

 Playing some pre-dinner ball with Grandpa.

And, just for kicks, another worker-man shot, since Bryce spends a good deal of time doing worker-man things.