Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It's Fair Time Again

Chickie-doos: apparently still interesting even though we have some at home.

Bunny-zilla! Wow!

Daddy giving life and limb to protect the ice cream cone of food in the petting zoo. These deer were vicious! (see them eating his shirt?)

Not sure about this...

Finally got the feeding worked out. Although daddy had to put the white goat in an arm bar to make it work.

Llama llama petting zoo mama. 

Jocelyn was pretty excited to find an animal her speed, or size at least.

 Pumpkin-zilla! Our son is a little obsessed with pumpkins lately since he has a Berenstain bear book where they have a pumpkin contest.

Riding the Ferris wheel when Bryce and daddy went back to the fair later to hang out with cousin Levi. He told me he was very scared to go up high, but he sure doesn't look it.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Sometimes when I look at those blue blue eyes and longy lashes, I think to myself, those boys better watch out.

Acorn squash requires very intense focus. She loves feeding herself.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Big Brother

In his Armor of God from the summer Sunday school class. He was pretty excited about the sword.

Somebody got into the stickers.

Making his excited face (which also happens to be a tiny bit scary) about the sticker book of diggers from Uncle Doug.

There's a red-hatted gnome in our living room. Oh wait, it's just Bryce reading a book wearing his "beanbag". This kid cracks me up!