Tuesday, February 9, 2010

With a little help from my friends

With there being some actual sign of sun this weekend, I am a little behind on the posts, so here are two in one day to make up for it.

Some days being prego and up here in Yuba City is a little weird and lonely. It makes me particularly thankful for the people and things in our life that make it better, so I would like to give a shout out to:

Mi amiga Ambre who suggested we go to the Micke Grove Zoo, in Lodi of all places, which was relaxing and fun, and who also warned me of the slippery rocks so I did not go crashing into the decorative koi pond (came pretty close though).

My mom who painstakingly addressed and decorated baby shower invites all in one day so we could mail them out on time.

A little helper, who likes to be touching me at all times now that I am pregnant, and in this shot was assisting with a painting project for the baby by warming up what little is left of my lap.
My mother in law who drove almost 2 hours with my sister in law and Andrew's grannie to meet me for breakfast just because and lugged a carload of baby stuff up so they could then drag it into my car and send me home with something to put the little guy in to sleep when he gets here.

Good friend in Huntington Beach who immediately offered to let me sleep in her bed even though she only has one while I am down there for a baby shower.

The guy checker at Target who gave me sheets of tissue paper to wrap something in so I didn't have to go all the way home before mailing it.

It is pretty amazing to have friends who are willing to be there for you even when you are far far away.

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