Saturday, April 10, 2010

Midnight musings

Lately I am up a lot at night, and not just at midnight (didn't want you to be confused by the title of this post), but at various times which would reasonably qualify as being middle of the night. I thought I would share a few of the interesting things which happen in our apartment during the night (besides sleeping-weird I know). After much research on the subject I find that they fall under two main categories.

1. General Crashing Occurrences:

Occurrence one- I am reading in the living room trying to be quiet so Andrew can stay asleep and get up at 5:45. From the back of the apartment comes a huge crash, a vaguely familiar sounding crash...I run (well waddle really) to see what it is before Andrew wakes up. I confirm yes, the cat has again gotten stuck behind the dryer. Dumb cat. I cannot get him out because my girth no longer allows me to reach behind dryers so I decide if he really wanted so much to be back there, he can just stay there. Cat gives "poor me" look, decides he does not want to stay there, and begins to "climb" the dryer, claws screeching against the sides, with general unhappy cat noises soon to follow. Andrew is no longer asleep, and comes to save cat. He goes back to bed.

Occurrence two- An hour later I am still up reading, being generally quiet. An even larger crash comes from the back of the apartment, and I hear blinds smacking together, so I go to see if someone has broken through our window. No intruder this time, just a husband who somehow managed to pull down his entire nightstand, lamp, and alarm clock in his sleep, and topple it onto the fan and whatever else is over there on that side of the bed. Luckily husband has not fallen out of bed, but is slightly disoriented and trying to pull said nightstand, lamp and alarm clock back up into their rightful places. Crisis averted, but not much sleep had this night by anybody.

2. Really cool things:

During the night the baby gets a little ornery, possibly from me lying on him, which is hard not to do, since he takes up a lot of room no matter which side I am lying on. Last week when I got up I was sure he had pushed through my belly and something was sticking out, because it felt like there was a broomstick poking out the right side of me. Since I am pretty blind, I put on my glasses and went into the bathroom to investigate. Luckily for me, he had not pushed all the way through, but when I looked in the mirror I could see the outline of his tiny foot on my belly. It had to be one of the coolest things I have ever seen and a good reminder that it is a tiny person in there who is not trying purposely to karate chop my ribs or keep me awake, just trying to grow nice and strong.

I really wish he had held it there for long enough for me to get a picture, but as we all know, babies are not predictable. People have posted pictures of this same thing online though, so try googling it. Ridiculously cool!

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