Friday, September 17, 2010

My First Hair Cut

Well first trim, anyway. We are really talking about a few hairs, and since this was very traumatic for Andrew (and quite possibly my mother in law) to be cutting it at all, we'll say a tiny trim.

I have been battling these side hairs for a while now. I can't tuck them behind his ears because then even more people will think he's a girl (that is another blog topic to address, but I maybe shouldn't go there, since I am utterly mystified why everyone thinks my boy baby wearing blue to boot is a girl). I digress. So, it is too short to tuck and too long to do anything with. I did try a very ingenious move where I make it into a curl and send it back up towards the top of his head (as odd as it sounds) and this sometimes works, sorta.

So today is the big day... the long hairs are gone, and don't I just look so handsome?

1 comment:

  1. He's a lady killer, for sure! He's already stolen MY heart!
