Saturday, January 22, 2011


In an effort to produce real words from my son, I have gone over to the dark side. How? Most recently we have been working on "dada". I know all you moms are thinking I am crazy to let this golden opportunity to prove who's really the favorite parent slip by, but statistically the chances of us getting somewhere were better this way.

So was my thought process in planning anyway. He now very happily repeats it back to me with that twinkle in his eyes that says "This is a fun game" (if you have ever been around my son for very long, or looked at the pictures on this blog you know the twinkle I am speaking of). Unfortunately, I failed to realize the consequences of my training, and now everything is currently a "dada".

At 3 a.m. this morning the TV remote was a dada, as was the cat who walked on the couch to see what we were doing up at 3 (you don't want to know, but please pray that my son becomes a better sleeper).

During the post-bath diaper change this morning, the booger bulb (please google if this makes no sense to you, and you will find some interesting poetry) was a dada.

What has yet to be a dada however, is Andrew, since Bryce gets shy and won't even say it in front of him.

Moral of the story: in the quest for greatness, consider that the path to reach it is very long and narrow.

The Twinkle

Please note: I do not normally put rubber bands in my son's hair. This was a demonstration of the need to cut the front part so he can see what he's doing.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing wrong with a hair tie....his cousin loves them. I guess that is what happens when he lives with so many girls.
