Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Bryce survived his first night away from us with flying colors (I am pretty sure he didn't even miss us, with all the fun and kiddos to play with at Grannie's house). Andrew and I went to Sequoia National Park and did some hiking and took some fun artsy photos to put in our house, since that's something we like to do together, and there's still a lot of room for them on the walls. Here are a few of the not as artsy ones.

I find myself amused by taking pictures of Andrew while he is taking pictures. Possibly because he doesn't like to have pictures taken and so the ones where he is actually looking at the camera are few and far between. I call this one legless man in the forest.

And this one Andrew getting beamed up. It really was quite beautiful there and the weather was perfect.


  1. Yeah for grandparents watching the kiddo! Now, you have to go for the full week. Do it! Do it!

  2. That's not gonna happen til next spring cause Andrew has to work too much once all the hunting seasons open. Plus he's using his days off to go camping with some guys we know.
