Monday, December 12, 2011

Quirks in the Life of a Game Warden's Wife

A little break from the Christmas festivities here. I'm sure a lot of you would consider me a very understanding wife. Sometimes when I walk through our garage to hang up Bryce's diapers, I think my understanding has gone too far....If you are reading this with your young children (cause I'm sure some of you do when you want to put them to sleep), please avert their eyes. Actually these shots are quite tame compared to what is sometimes in there, but I digress.

Essentially, our herd of robotic animals is expanding. I give you Robo-deer and his friend, Tom the animated turkey.

I think Tom may be molting (or whatever it is robo-turkeys do) cause there seem to be an awful lot of feathers strewn around the garage. Either that or Kahuna saw his big chance to practice taking down some real game.

If I were robo-deer, I'd be hiding too. who wants to look down and realize your head's no longer attached to your body. (Note to concerned blog readers: there is not a rifle in the bag that is just flung on the floor of the garage, those all are locked in the safe)

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