Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Few Things

Wow has it been a long time since I did a blog post, because we had a cold, and then after that we had another one just for good measure.

Last weekend we went up to Fresno for Shelley and Ryan's collective birthday, and as an added bonus got to see Splash Dogs! Bryce had a fever so his reaction to the dogs was not quite what we were hoping for, but he was still pretty excited. As you can see, I am pretty excited too (look for us in the back left of the crowd, but as you may note, a lot of other people have their mouths open too, so I don't feel quite as silly).
Our son seems to be firmly entrenched in his twos which has come with some extra prayers for patience (yes I know, he is not 2 til May, but he just does everything a little early to keep things interesting) Here he is trying not to have his picture taken in his owl hat.

And once again, trying to to have his picture taken in full worker-man regalia.

Here's a flash of his happy attitude.

And another kind of flash (he was really getting into the full worker-man character)

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