Friday, November 2, 2012

The Aquarium

 My cousin and her family were here to visit on their big CA vacation recently (which may explain how long it's been since a blog post). We went with them and Nana to the Aquarium of the Pacific and it was so much fun. I wasn't sure for a while if we were going to get past the first tank when you walk in (that's it on the left) since the boys were so enthralled, but we managed to see a few other things too.

This discussion of the fishes between Bryce and Killian looks mighty serious.

His favorite fish, at least until another one swam by that is.

Touch tanks! Warning: these are not designed for 2 year old boys, who want to take a huge handful of anything they can reach or get in the water and splash about. I think the docent was unimpressed, but no sea urchins were harmed in the process, so they survived us.

Feeding the lorikeets with Nana. He wasn't sure about these guys at first (as seen in the serious pondering face in the second picture)

But eventually he came around and wanted to feed them too.

One of the birds took an intense liking to mommy's shoelace and we almost had to call in the experts for lorikeet removal, but Nana was able to distract him with nectar just in time to save mommy's foot. This bird was literally at my foot for maybe 5 minutes. Also good to note, that trying to shake them off is not encouraged.

 The "sark" touch tank.

Bryce's feet in the "sark" touch tank. Good thing Nana was there to grab him.

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