The move did not start well for our big guy, Kahuna, mainly because he becomes a spazz when he is in the car and so we had to give him a tranquilizer just to get him up here. The image of cat tranquilizer that is now probably going through your head is some guy in khaki and an Australian accent crouching by the big cat in the jungle with his blow gun pointed straight at him. But, this is the kind of cat tranquilizer that prevents sane people (me) from becoming insane on a 5 hr drive to Fresno with 2 cats in the car. To be more specific, let's just say it prevents enormous amounts of drool and vomit coming out of a big cat during said ride and leave it at that.
The process did not start out well as giving a cat a pill is something that might require a post in itself, but my lovely assistant (mom) and I managed to get it down, only to return to the scene 10 min. later to find pink vomit on the floor...little know fact: cat tranquilizer pills are pink. To make an already long story short, enough juice got into the beast to make him stoned and just grouchy enough to move without putting up a fight, so we made it here and he seems to have recovered.Please note: this cat is not dead, this is his happy position.
Another little know side effect of these magic pills is it makes our cats hate each other and growl back and forth the entire night (resulting in no sleep for people who are locked in a room w/ them) and every subsequent meeting for the next 4 days. We are however happy to report they seem to have made up and are friends again.
Yes, we realize this picture makes our cat look fat...she is just large boned.
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