Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Road Chickens

I have decided since nothing can really compete with the last post, I am going to go ahead and share with you one of the interesting quirks Yuba City has to offer...the infamous ROAD CHICKENS!. I have yet to hear the full story on these fine fowl from a local, but have done some off-road (don't tell my husband) detective work and have finally snatched a slightly fuzzy, but accurate picture of these mysterious beasts.

Please note, that is Highway 99 behind the chickens, so this is no country back road we are talking major highway.

As far as I can tell, there are several roaming flocks with no discernible social structure (I have seen multiple roosters per flock, so assume these are not like lions with one alpha chicken per group). They may or may not be hunted for food around here, as they seemed to be wary of strangers (like me when I was trying to chase them for a close-up). They are here every day, even in the rain, and I estimate their numbers in the 20-30 range.

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