Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our Punkin in the Punkin Patch

5 months old!

Busy Boy

Bryce is always doing something, or trying to do something. We still need to get it on video, but when he is frustrated because he can't do the something he wants to, he makes a really funny growling noise. Well funny for the first 3 minutes anyway.

He still has a great love for tags since discovering them a couple months ago, and could really care less about his toys, as long as they have a tag that can be appropriately mauled. Here he is in his pumpkin hat being busy (note to self: one size fits all infant hats don't necessarily fit on your baby if he is huge).

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The cuteness continues...

Eating daddy's head (his new favorite).

If you thought it wasn't possible for him to get cuter, here he is:

Why do I like this so much? I just can't resist a little dude in rolled jeans and baby vans. Kinda scary when I think he's cute when his face isn't even in the photo.

And finally, if you haven't OD'd on the cuteness yet, a preview of his winter hat. If it's blurry it's because mommy couldn't stop laughing long enough to get the picture.

Give Me Buckeyes or Give Me Death!

Go Bucks go!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Things I am thankful for this week:

1. Bryce is growing nice and strong (sometimes too strong when I turn around to grab my keys and he decides that would be a good time to sit up in the recliner-at 4 months)

2. We got a huge bagful of cloth diapers passed on to us from Andrew's cousin, and they're the size Bryce is wearing right now.

3. There's a chance that we may get to move into our new home in 2 weeks if Andrew gets out of the last part of his training. Guess we'll see.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Me and my Family

Papa, Daddy, Me, Great Grandpapa

Mommy, Grannie, me and Great Grannie (and Daddy too)

Fun with Friends

Visiting Aunt Quenby and Shannon

Hanging with my buddy Garrett

More pictures to love

Saturday, October 9, 2010

4 months old!

(Outtake #1 eating mommy's nose)

A little birthday love for Grandpa

Grandpa you don't have us fooled, we all know you don't look that smiley when you are really asleep.

The Big Fresno Fair

On Wednesday we went to the fair with cousin Levi, Aunt Heidi and Uncle Ryan.

It was soooo exciting, can't you tell?

Friday, October 8, 2010


We thought we'd wait until you could really see these guys before we got the snapshot. He got the first tooth a week before he turned 4 months old.

What a goober. (This was pre tooth picture when we were trying to elicit a smile)

Mommy snuck up on me to take a picture of my footie pajamas, not sure whether to be scared or excited.

Monday, October 4, 2010

A House Divided

Papa, I am doing this post to warn you, if you don't slap some Michigan paraphernalia on this child soon, you risk ending up with a Buckeye fan on your hands.

Some back story for those of you who are unfamiliar with the great states that make up our U.S. midwest. Once upon a time a long long while ago, during football season, a Michigan fan insulted a Buckeye fan's momma, and thus began the most storied rivalry since the Montagues and Capulets. (I'm sure that had to be how it happened, right?) The angst between these two stretches far past the realms of Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote. It leaves creamy peanut butter vs. crunchy in the dust.

Fast forward to present day (well almost present day), when the daughter of a bleeding scarlet and gray Buckeye fan married the son of a fan of the team up north ( I know, what was she thinking?). Then comes baby, and the rush to indoctrinate him with the appropriate team colors.

Current score: Daniels: 1, Halversons: better catch up :0)

My first trip to South Pasadena

This week Bryce and I went down to see my parents and my brother (who had never seen Bryce in all his real life fantasticness).

Looking for friends to show him to with grandpa (judging by the number that stopped to say hi, he is a fairly effective chick magnet)

I don't know if any of you have tried to bathe a baby in a stainless steel sink, but when the mommy brain is tired, one thing usually gets left at home, and this time it was the bathtub. I feel like the sheer slipperiness of this endeavor requires a degree of talent far above my pay grade, but somehow he survived it, my mom's counter survived it, and I only got halfway wet. (and if you notice, Bryce didn't seem to be bothered by the experiment at all)