Monday, October 4, 2010

A House Divided

Papa, I am doing this post to warn you, if you don't slap some Michigan paraphernalia on this child soon, you risk ending up with a Buckeye fan on your hands.

Some back story for those of you who are unfamiliar with the great states that make up our U.S. midwest. Once upon a time a long long while ago, during football season, a Michigan fan insulted a Buckeye fan's momma, and thus began the most storied rivalry since the Montagues and Capulets. (I'm sure that had to be how it happened, right?) The angst between these two stretches far past the realms of Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote. It leaves creamy peanut butter vs. crunchy in the dust.

Fast forward to present day (well almost present day), when the daughter of a bleeding scarlet and gray Buckeye fan married the son of a fan of the team up north ( I know, what was she thinking?). Then comes baby, and the rush to indoctrinate him with the appropriate team colors.

Current score: Daniels: 1, Halversons: better catch up :0)

1 comment:

  1. adorable!!! so, so darling! Love the pic with your fam. =) AND I miss you.
