Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Rest

What you say, this awesome day of awesomeness isn't over yet? Not hardly.

We put our pumpkins out to wait for dark so that we could go out and walk around the block with our neighbors, who have a boy who is a little bit older than Bryce. All the while mommy and daddy were plotting how to get Bryce into his costume, which in all of our practice runs so far had been disastrous.

How he really feels about being a duck (at first):

So the whole costume thing was going not so swimmingly, but then the boy next door put on his costume, and miracle upon miracles, his mommy pulled out some glowsticks for us to share. Suddenly, being a duck didn't seem half bad. Plus we got to share the wagon and get pulled around door to door while (trying to) stuff our faces with candy.

I even let mommy put my duck feet on. We didn't go super far, because us boys started to figure out how to get the candy open (spoiler alert: my son may or may not have had his first candy, a Snickers, at some point during the evening), and our neighbor who was walking with us is pretty much in labor with her baby.

It was a good day!

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